Counselors’ Corner
Hello parents and students of Gilmore Elementary School! We really miss seeing you during this stoppage of our school year! We know that you are doing your best to stay safe and healthy at home. I thought I would give you some coping strategies and activities to use while you are away from our school. I hope these ideas will help your family have a better day at home.
1. Try to keep routines as normal as possible. Your children will gain security from the predictability of routine, including completing school work and tasks at home.
2. Try to limit their exposure to television and the news which could raise their anxiety and stress level.
3. Answer any questions you can with your children and share with them as much information as they are developmentally able to handle.
4. Be sure to pay close attention to your childs’ fears and concerns.
5. Parents and adults need to first deal with and assess their own responses to crisis and stress.
6. Let this be a time to rebuild and reaffirm your relationships with your family and friends.
Here are some activities your children can do to help them relax:
Five Finger Exercise
Have your child start by tracing each finger on their hand starting with their pinky finger . As they go up their finger they should inhale.As they go down that same finger they should exhale. The child should do this with each hand.
Give yourself, a family member, or a stuffed animal a big hug.
Drawing your thoughts
Have your child sit in a quiet place and think about their favorite activity or place they like. Have them draw themselves and others to show what this activity looks like.
Rocks and Socks
Have your child sit in a quiet place and ask them to make a fist with each hand and squeeze as hard as they can for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds they can slowly open up their hand like a droopy sock.
Wave Breathing
Put your hands over your ears and breathe slowly and deeply. Listen to the ocean wave sound that your breath makes.
Eye Spy
One person who is IT spies something and keeps it a secret. The item must be something that everyone can see and stay in sight for the time it takes to complete the round. The IT player says “I spy something”… and ends with a descriptive such as …red..or blue..or begins with the letter B . The other players take turns asking one question about it’s shape or location. The player who answers correctly is the new IT.
I hope this information is helpful to you. Please stay safe and healthy!
Chris Rogers
School Counselor
Gilmore Elementary School