Gilmore Elementary School
For The Elementary and
Secondary Education Act of
1965, as amended by the
Every Student Succeeds Act
of 2015
F - Find the starting point.
O - Organize the DATA.
C - Communicate the goals and action steps.
U - Utilize the Stakeholders.
S- Sustain the monitoring.

Goal 1
The school will maintain and communicate a purpose that commits to high expectations for success as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning.
Objective A
Shared Beliefs and Values
Action Steps:
Create vision and mission statement
Maintain up to date Facebook page and website
Provide parent handbook to all parents
Open House at the beginning of the year
Frequent communication with parents through phone calls, DOJO, emails, meetings,
parent newsletters, and in person meetings.
Data talks with parents three times a year
Maintain electronic communication with parents and community through our webpage, thrillshare, and facebook.
Have schoolwide theme for the year
Objective B
High Expectations for All
Action Steps:
Data talks with parents three times a year
Teach to’s for consistent behavior
Consistent Discipline procedures
Attendance recognition (ribbon, announcements)
Data talks with children
Student leadership such as reading buddies and kid committees.
Objective C
Safe, Orderly and Engaging Environment
Action Steps:
Code Red Drills 4 times a year
Lock down procedure
Fire Drills at least 10 per year
Locked entrances and classroom doors
Teach to’s for consistent behavior
Shield Program
Inclement weather drills
Visitor protocols
Medical concerns of students communicated well
Goal 2
Improve English Language Arts Accountability Measure by using high yield instructional strategies to Meet Standards range for the 2023-24 school year.
Objective A
Action Steps:
All students will make annual growth in Reading according to iReady diagnostics.
Students who scored in the 2nd quartile on GSA will receive intervention to help them
reach mastery.
Enrichment will be provided for students in the upper quartile.
Regular Leadership / PLC / Curriculum meetings will focus on student data.
Reading Nights with parental support
One Book / One School
Read aloud at lunch
8. Book Buddies
Objective B
Core Instruction
Action Steps:
Progress towards growth will be monitored weekly to ensure that 45 minutes/ 85% pass rate per subject on iReady lessons.
In Grades K-2 a focus will be place on all students to test out of Phonemic Awareness and Phonics through both core instruction and intervention.
Students will receive direct instruction in vocabulary and comprehension strategies and skills through novel studies and literacy circles in Grades 4 and 5.
Staff will use consistent academic vocabulary to communicate with students.
Monitor through walk throughs and lesson plan review for vigorous core instruction.
Academic celebrations each 9 weeks.
Objective C
Action Steps:
Students who have identified weaknesses can be placed in Title 1 or Intervention teacher for assistance in that area.
In Grades K-2 a focus will be place on all students to test out of Phonemic Awareness and Phonics through both core instruction and intervention.
Enrichment will be provided for students in the upper quartile.
Students who scored in the 2nd quartile on GSA will receive intervention to help them reach mastery.
After school tutoring will be available for students.
Frequent and flexible grouping based on mClass screening and progress monitoring.
Goal 3
Improve Math Accountability Measure by using high yield instructional strategies to Meet Standards range for the 2022-23 school year.
Objective A
Action Steps:
Provide students in the upper quartile with enrichment opportunities.
Regular Leadership / PLC / Curriculum meetings will focus on student data.
All students will make annual growth in Math according to iReady diagnostics.
Students who scored in the 2nd quartile on GSA will receive intervention to help them reach mastery.
Objective B
Core Instruction
Action Steps:
Monitor through walk throughs and lesson plan review for rigorous core instruction.
Ability level small grouping to provide differentiated instruction.
For grades 3-5, teachers will do math bellringers every day to introduce and/or review concepts.
Progress towards growth will be monitored weekly to ensure the 45 minutes/ 85% pass rate per subject on iReady lessons.
Staff will use consistent math academic vocabulary across all grade levels to consistently and clearly communicate math concepts with students.
Use of supplemental materials such as 99 Math, Boddle, Prodigy, and Saxon.
Academic celebrations each 9 weeks.
Objective C
Action Steps:
Provide students in the upper quartile with enrichment opportunities.
Students who have identified weaknesses can be placed in Title 1 or Intervention teacher for assistance in that area.
Students who scored in the 2nd quartile on GSA will receive intervention to help them reach mastery.
After school tutoring will be available for students.
Goal 4
Improve Attendance Accountability Measure for the 2023-24 school year.
Objective A
Action Steps:
Take daily attendance
Code absences correctly
Objective B
Action Steps:
Contact Parents if a student is absent
Recognize good attendance (ribbons, announcements)
On ½ days or day before historically high absences, have a special activity such as birthday table, pajama day to draw students to school planned by Kid committee.
Once a month sing Happy Birthday to students at the Birthday table.
Awards Assembly to recognize good attendance ( 2 or less per grading period)
Give monthly attendance tags for perfect attendance
Goal 5
Cultivate a workplace environment where professional growth is a priority to strengthen employees’ belonging and impact.
Objective A
Instructional Leadership
Action Steps:
Spelling, Science, and Social Studies coordinator
Participation in Committees such as LSIC, leadership, wellness and safety
Special Leadership roles that teachers initiate and lead themselves (Veteran’s Day
program, etc)
Coordinate family activities such as Reading Night, Homework Help, Johnny Appleseed
Active Role in scheduling.
Planning school based themes such as The 12 Days of Christmas and Dr. Suess.
Objective B
Professional Development
Action Steps:
Staff Driven
School specific
Chosen to help student achievement
Objective C
Staff, Family, and Community Relationships
Action Steps:
Open House prior to school beginning
Christmas and Spring Music Programs
Fall Festival
Interest Fair
Family activities such as Reading Night, Homework Help, Johnny Appleseed visits
Data Talks 3x a year
WV Read Aloud
One Book, One School
Field trips and Field days
Family Book Fair Night