Kenna Elementary has six core beliefs for our students, teachers, and communities.

  1. Every child can learn and succeed in a safe and orderly environment.

  2. Leadership and student engagement are keys to success.

  3. The administration and staff support student achievement.

  4. Community and global citizenship are important for all children.

  5. Family and community members are valuable partners to promote student achievement and success.

  6. The administration and faculty model lifelong learning by participating in activities that promote professional growth and improvement.

Mission Statement:

Growing respectful citizens and lifelong learners.


  1. Increase Reading Growth - By May 2023 students at Kenna Elementary in grades K - 5 will show typical growth on local benchmark assessments (iReady Reading).

  2. Increase Math Growth - By May 2023 students at Kenna Elementary in grades K - 5 will show typical growth on local benchmark assessments (iReady Math).

Students with Police Officer

Learning Games

Dissecting Owl Pellet

Learning Games