October 9, 2023
The fifth graders have teamed up with the first graders to READ! The newly formed reading buddies encourage friendships across grades, much needed reading practic...

October 9, 2023
The fifth grade challenged each other to a volleyball game to wrap up their unit on the sport. A good time was had by all.

October 9, 2023
The Kindergarten Class recently finished their Nursery Rhyme study with The Nursery Rhyme Olympics! They had a real life tortoise and the hare race, Jack Be Nimble Jack be Quick...

October 3, 2023
Mrs. Doss and Officer Varney recently got in on some volleyball action with the fifth grade class during their PE class. The kindergarten is also enjoying some PE with the para...

October 1, 2023
Our preschool classroom has been studying apples! They have been learning many facts and completing activities and experiments with them. Looks like preschool is lots of fun! ...

October 1, 2023
2nd grade has been busy! They've completed a STEM activity to see who can build the tallest tower, studied fairy tales and tall tales and dressed as favorite characters, and co...

September 29, 2023
Mrs. Hatcher's fifth grade recently completed a STEM activity with candy corn. They had to build a tower with candy corn. They had a blast!

September 28, 2023
Ms. McCarty's first graders are studying the human body. They have learned that there are 206 bones in the body, that our bones support our body, and that the bones are connecte...

September 27, 2023
The third graders have been studying types of clouds and how rain is made from heaavy droplets in the clouds. They enjoyed watching it "rain."

September 20, 2023
First Grade recently discussed the freedoms we enjoy in this country. They compiled a great list!

September 20, 2023
Mrs. Ruben's Kindergarten class recently made rain clouds after learning the nursery rhymes "Rain Rain Go Away and It's Raining and Pouring." They loved the activity!

September 14, 2023
Second graders recently completed a STEM activity with building materials. Some worked on building the tallest tower while others worked on building something that would move on ...

September 14, 2023
Mrs. Keaton's fifth graders recently made their very own constellation viewers. They've been reading about identifying constellations and constructed these cool viewers to show U...
September 12, 2023
At their meeting on June 1, 2023, the Jackson County Board of Education approved the continued use of the Community Eligibility Provision from the United State Department of Agricu...

September 12, 2023
Both kindergarten classes recently completed Kindergarten Boot Camp! They are learning rules, routines, and expectations in their classroom. They are wonderful listeners! Way to...

September 12, 2023
Mrs. Horne's third graders are off and running. They are learning and having lots of fun. They recently did some fun STEM activities together.

September 9, 2023
First grade has been learning about fables and the morals of stories. They have been practicing retelling the story with both acting them out and using self made stick characters...

September 1, 2023
Fifth graders completed a STEM activity called Saving Fred. They had to get him in his life preserver using only paper clips. Thank goodness Fred has good friends. :) ...

September 1, 2023
First Grade is off and running! They are busy learning. Enjoy these first day pictures.