February 21, 2022
The third graders in Mrs. Banks class recently did some experiments to see how different liquids affect your teeth. They used eggs to represent teeth and experimented with soda, ...

February 18, 2022
The Kindergarten class recently celebrated the 100th day of school! Many of the students dressed like 100 year olds, down to the curlers, canes, suspenders, and many gray hairs w...

February 18, 2022
Face Coverings Now Optional
Effective: February 18, 2022
During the February 17, 2022, regular session, the Jackson County Boa...

February 7, 2022
Effective 2/3/22
Jackson County Schools is following the revised Covid-19 guidelines from the CDC and WVDE to respond to the Omicron variant. O...

February 2, 2022
Kindergarten is a busy place! They celebrated Groundhog Day on Feb. 2.

February 2, 2022
The kindergarten class recently celebrated Chinese New Year. The students decorated Chinese lanterns, danced to Chinese festival music, and decorated envelopes to leave out on ...

February 2, 2022
Huck Reneau and Edgar Gillon each won 1st place in the Jackson County Math Field Day competition on Feb. 2, 2022. Huck was the fourth grade winner and Edgar was the fifth grade w...

January 29, 2022
Mrs. Banks and her third graders have been busy making simple circuits to illuminate light bulbs. They've worked hard and stayed "charged" about their experiments. Way to go, sup...

January 21, 2022
These students were recently recognized for exhibiting the character trait fairness in their classrooms. Way to go, boys and girls! :)

January 13, 2022
Mrs. Ruben's kindergarten class is busy studying seasons and weather. They recently made rain clouds to illustrate how rain happens. They enjoyed making it "rain".

December 17, 2021
First grade sure has been busy! What beautiful creations they have made! Wonderful work, friends!

December 17, 2021
2nd grade has been busy getting the last minute things done for Christmas! Nice job, kids!

December 17, 2021
Grades 4 and 5 recently participated in classroom spelling bees. Those children then competed in the school bee. 1st place winner was Edgar Gillon Runner up was Kinsley Wea...

December 17, 2021
Effective, December 15, 2021, the Jackson County Board of Education removed the face-
covering requirement for our indoor activit...

December 9, 2021
First Grade elves have been busy making snowmen! Great job, everyone! BRRRRRR!

December 4, 2021
These students were chosen as students of the month for exhibiting Perseverance at Evans Elementary School. Way to always keep going and striving to be your best! Proud of you. ...

November 29, 2021
Students arrived from Thanksgiving break to find the school transformed into Whoville, Evans Elementary style. Thanks to the...

November 4, 2021
These students exhibited kindness and were chosen as Students of the Month at Evans Elementary School. Way to go, kind kids!

November 4, 2021
Evans Elementary recently held a Camp Out and Read A lot Family Reading Night at the school. Tents, smores snacks, cookie treats, and LOTS of reading took place on the s...

September 3, 2021
Effective Tuesday, September 7, 2021, the Jackson County Board of
Education will require face-coverings for all employees and studen...