January 30, 2023
First grade is learning about the phases of the moon using Oreos! What better way to show the phases?

January 27, 2023
Third Grade has been studying electricity. They used a simple circuit to make a bulb light up! Way to go, third grade!

January 26, 2023
There's enough snow in 1st grade to build a snowman! Mrs. Hall brought her snowman books and all the supplies to build snowmen and accessorize them! Thank you for the fun activi...

January 19, 2023
Evans Elementary had several students advance to the county science fair with their awesome science projects. Congratulations to these wonderful students! Pictured left to rig...

January 19, 2023
Gail Varney recently visited with the 2nd grade class to talk about quilts. They are studying western expansion and have been learning about quilting. Mrs. Varney brought in squ...

January 18, 2023
JACKSON COUNTY, WV: For the first time in almost twenty years, Jackson County Schools held the Jackson County Science Fair Championship for grades 3-8. One initiative this year...

January 4, 2023
Could you survive in the Arctic? Students used a blubber glove and an exposed hand to compare temperatures of the water. They quickly saw the benefits of blubber! Way to go, fi...

December 20, 2022
Santa's elves have been very busy. Students recently crafted their very own paper gingerbread houses during the Crafting Santa Station. Using a brown paper bag and their own dec...

December 20, 2022
Students enjoyed Santa Stations on Monday. One of their favorite stations was Reindeer Games!

December 20, 2022
Teresa Hager from the Jackson County Animal Shelter recently came to the school to talk about the shelter and educate our students on what all the shelter does for our animals. S...

December 19, 2022
Mountaineer Mary visited with students and shared with them all the things she does throughout the state of WV. She is a great mascot for our state and West Virginia University! ...

December 19, 2022
The first graders recently donated food to Mercy Baptist Church to use in the community. Pastor Bradley Goodwin came to accept the donation. Way to go, first grade!

December 16, 2022
The first graders recently got a special gift from their read aloud volunteer. Thank you, Janet Hall for your generous gifts and the awesome stories and activities you always sha...

December 16, 2022
First grade have been busy little elves. They have been busy doing Christmas math, crafts, and most recently made gingerbread houses. They are beautiful!

December 13, 2022
Evans Elementary School held their science fair on Monday, December 12. Each studnt in grades 3-5 completed a project of their own choosing. They worked so hard and did a great ...

December 9, 2022
Huck Reneau and Maddie Bragg recently represented Evans Elementary at the county math field day . They are both advancing to the regional competition! Way to represent! Congratu...

December 9, 2022
Fifth grade recently celebrated Grinchmas. They completed many activities including the Grinch Math Mystery, Readers Theater, and Stem activities. They had a great day, even for...